Brooks County
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County Governments
100 E Miller St, Falfurrias, TX 78355
Recent News About Brooks County
SAN ANTONIO – Attorneys leaping from one law firm to another is a common enough occurrence, but the timing of two partners departing Phipps Deacon Purnell seems somewhat strange, as the firm is currently representing Bexar County in a billion dollar opioid lawsuit.
FALFURRIAS, TEXAS – David T. Garcia, the county attorney for Brooks County, will no longer earn a contingency fee if an opioid lawsuit brought by his employer is successful.
If you were a salaried employee and thought you deserved to make more money, you’d ask for a raise, right? You wouldn’t try to talk your employer into keeping you on staff and hiring you as an outside contractor at the same time, so you could get paid twice for doing the job you’re already being paid for, would you?
SOUTH TEXAS – David Garcia, the county attorney for Brooks County, signed a contingency fee agreement with his employer to represent the county in an opioid lawsuit – a relationship that seemingly comes into conflict with the Texas Local Government Code.
REFUGIO � A sitting Refugio County Precinct 4 commissioner pleaded guilty to felony election fraud charges in Refugio County and will also plead to an associated misdemeanor charge next week.