
News published on Southeast Texas Record in November 2007


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

News from November 2007

New business licenses/assumed names issued in Jefferson County

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Orig. Filing Date: 11/26/2007 Certificate #: 71786

Tips for shopping safely from home

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Shopping from home allows the convenience of sitting in jammies with a warm cup of cocoa at 2 a.m. instead of battling crowds, checkout lines and the race to find a parking space.

Coin company hires investigator to prove consumer fraud

By David Yates |
Austin-based U.S Money Reserve, Inc. is pursuing a permanent injunction against a band of former employees, who formed their own coin company by allegedly stealing the company's consumer accounts.

Snapped cable causes worker to plunge into ocean, lawsuit filed

By David Yates |
Suspended over the ocean, the cable attached to Guillermo Guzman's basket suddenly "detached," causing the basket, Guzman and his co-worker "to fall many feet into the water below."

Memorial Hermann wrongful death trial ends with $2 M judgment for plaintiff

By David Yates |
Memorial Hermann Baptist Beaumont Hospital Jurors awarded the late Lester Thomas' widow and daughter more than $2.1 million in damages on Nov. 26, charging Memorial Hermann with negligently causing Thomas' death.

Recent patent/copyright infringement cases filed in U.S. District Courts

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Marshall Division, Eastern District of Texas

Ford to settle suits over Explorer rollovers

By Marilyn Tennissen |
2001 Ford Explorer Ford Motor Co. has agreed to a settlement that will put an end to all the outstanding lawsuits claiming its Explorer SUV is prone to rollovers.

Lawyers say Texas SC judicially active for business

By Rob Luke |
Justice Nathan Hecht, right AUSTIN -- Plaintiffs' lawyers in the Lone Star State are complaining that the Texas Supreme Court goes out of its way to issue opinions that too often favor corporate defendants.

Car seat manufacturer sued for infant's death in auto crash

By Michelle Massey, East Texas Bureau |
MARSHALL -- In an attempt to take the family to Louisiana for the 2006 Thanksgiving holiday, Amanda and Steve Espinosa rented a 2007 Chevrolet Trailblazer from an Oklahoma Enterprise Leasing Company.

Judge orders production of paralegal's notes to help identify parties

By Michelle Massey, East Texas Bureau |
MARSHALL -- U.S. District Judge Leonard Davis ordered defendant Time Warner to produce a flowchart created by its paralegals on Nov. 20.

Coin fraud attorneys say sanctions motion is PR stunt by opposing counsel

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Lawyers in a coin fraud case say the opposing counsels' motion for sanctions against them is nothing more than a public relations move to divert attention from the coin company's deceptive activities.

Appeals court rules in favor of Liu in suit against Hsu

By Steve Korris |
Bobby Yu-Chen Liu of Arizona owes Shwurong Hsu of Texas $40,000, but according to the Ninth District Court of Appeals in Beaumont, Hsu can't recover it in a Texas court.

Conn's alleges former manager committed fraud

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Conn's Appliances is alleging that a former store manager made fraudulent transfers to his personal credit card.

60th Court District Dec. 2007

By Carrie Gonzalez |
60th Court District

Widow says nursing home's negligence allowed husband's repeated falls

By Marilyn Tennissen |
Dan Packard The widow of a nursing home resident claims that because physicians and staff at the facility failed to properly supervise her husband, he fell numerous times and sustained injuries that ultimately led to his death.

Shoppers file suit against Wal-Mart for 2005 'Black Friday' pepper spray incident

By Marilyn Tennissen |
On "Black Friday" 2005, hundreds of shoppers flooded the Wal-Mart in Beaumont in the pre-dawn hours to take advantage of rock-bottom prices on laptop computers and other electronics.

Legally Speaking: Compensating the Exonerated

By John G. Browning |
The NBC television drama "Life" centers around a wrongfully convicted policeman who-after serving years for a crime he didn't commit-is released and rejoins the force to help solve crimes. He does so from a luxurious mansion and a sleek sportscar, the byproducts of a multimillion dollar civil settlement stemming from his unjust incarceration.

All Aboard! KCS Holiday Express visits Southeast Texas

By Marilyn Tennissen |
The Kansas City Southern Holiday Express train brought Santa and his elves to Beaumont on Tuesday, Nov. 27.

Woman claims low wires caused husband's electrocution, sues Entergy for wrongful death

By Marilyn Tennissen |
On June 9, 2007, Kevin Lee Presley was performing repairs on a dump truck owned by his employer Jackey Derryberry of Fairway Construction at the NAPA Auto Parts Store in Montgomery.