Feb. 21
PA - Michael Ramsey , J- Buddy Hahn
Hurricane Rita lost strength and dissipated more than two years ago; however, the lawsuits that followed in her wake continue to trickle in. Represented by the Mostyn Law Firm, Florence Welch filed suit against Allstate Texas Lloyd's and two of its agents.
The plaintiff is suing for the unpaid claim, actual and compensatory damages, economic hardship, plus exemplary damages and damages for mental anguish.
Case No. D-080075-c
Feb. 25
PA - Ernest Browne, J � Pat Clark
Rear-ended at a carwash, Alex Moses has filed suit against Wash Depot Holdings Inc., claiming he was hit from behind by a carwash employee who was not licensed to drive.
On Nov. 16, 2006, Moses was sitting in his vehicle at Wash Depot waiting to have his vehicle washed "when suddenly and without warning his vehicle was rammed from the rear by a customer's truck driven by (Wash Depot employee) Jamie Grant."
He is suing for exemplary damages
Case No. A-080076-c