The Jefferson County Crime Victims’ Coalition will host its 24th Annual Crime Victims’ Candlelight Vigil on April 10.
The event begins at 6 p.m. in the Jefferson County Courthouse Jury Impaneling Room, 1149 Pearl St., Beaumont.
Crime victims, their families and friends are invited to participate in the vigil to honor crime victims and those who advocate on their behalf.
National Crime Victim’s Rights Week is April 6-12. The theme is “30 Years: Restoring the Balance of Justice.”
The Office for Victims of Crime, part of the Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs, sponsors the national awareness campaign and provides support and organizational information to local programs.
The fundamental mission of the Jefferson County Victims' Assistance Center (VAC) is to ensure quality services are provided to these victims of crime who ultimately suffer from varied aspects of trauma and burden. VAC serves as a resource center for active advocacy and personal assistance and will provide a wide array of services to victims by phone, in person and mail.
These services include providing clients with information and assistance with Texas Crime Victims' Rights, Crime Victims' Compensation, the criminal justice system, victim impact statements, case status information, courtroom familiarization and accompaniment for criminal court and Protective Order proceedings and post conviction services.
For more information, contact program director Misty Craver, (409) 839-2318 or at .
Crime victims' vigil set for April 10