
A man is suing his employer through a class action lawsuit alleging that he was not paid for hours worked overtime or paid a proper minimum wage


Thursday, March 6, 2025

A man is suing his employer through a class action lawsuit alleging that he was not paid for hours worked overtime or paid a proper minimum wage

Webp law money 06

HOUSTON — A dishwasher is suing a Houston restaurant, alleging he and other employess were not paid for overtime hours worked and were not paid a proper minimum wage.

Cristobal Tepaz, individually and on behalf of all other similarly situated, filed a class action complaint April 4 in the Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas against Sinh Sinh Restaurant Corporation, alleging violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Tepaz alleges he was employed by Sinh Sinh as a dishwasher, working five day a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. The suit says Tepaz was paid $338 per week but was not paid appropriately for the extra hours he worked, as he was not compensated at time and half for overtime hours worked required by the FLSA or in compliance with minimum wage standards.

Tepaz seeks liquidated damages, minimum wage and unpaid overtime pay, attorney fees and court costs, plus all other proper relief.  He is represented by attorney David I. Mouton of Bruckner Burch PLLC in Houston.

Houston Division of the Southern District of Texas case number 4:19-CV-1236

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