
Day laborer injured while assembling oil rig in Rankin alleges negligence


Thursday, March 27, 2025

Day laborer injured while assembling oil rig in Rankin alleges negligence

Webp general court 01


HOUSTON — A day laborer who was injured while assembling an oil rig is claiming negligence. 

Jamie Garza filed a complaint Oct. 25 in Harris County District Court against Earthstone Energy Inc., Capital Petroleum Consultants Inc., Octane Energy Consulting LLC and Unit Drilling Company alleging negligence. 

According to his complaint, Garza was working as a day laborer and assembling an oil rig to prepare it for drilling at a job site in Rankin on Nov. 15, 2019. He claims as he was pulling a heavy electrical hose towards the rig's base in order to power up the oil rig, he was walking backward and fell into one of three "10' x 10' x 10" cellars." 

Garza alleges as a result of his fall, he was taken to the hospital and suffered physical impairment, disfigurement, lost earnings and incurred medical expenses. He claims the defendants' negligence for failing to properly train and monitor their employees, failing to use ordinary care to prevent employees or agents from risk of harm and failing to direct the work in a safe manner. 

Garza seeks monetary relief, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by Francisco Guerra, IV and Edward Allred and Rebecca Page of Watts Guerra LLP in San Antonio. 

Harris County District Court case number 2021-70018

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