
Suit: Worker at Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo falls off unsecured ladder


Friday, March 28, 2025

Suit: Worker at Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo falls off unsecured ladder


HOUSTON — A worker at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo who fell off an unsecured truck ladder is claiming negligence. 

Terry Hannah filed a complaint April 11 in Harris County District Court against Gordon Food Services Inc., Glazier Foods Company and Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Inc. 

Hannah, according to his complaint, was working for a third party company while setting up a food station at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo on Feb. 25, 2022. He claims that as he was unloading a shipment of products from an 18 wheeler trailer delivered by Gordon Food and Glazier, he fell almost six feet off of the truck's ladder/ramp to the concrete ground below. 

Hannah alleges that the ladder was only secured by a "flimsy type zip-tie" instead of the properly provided pins that secure the ladder in place. He also alleges that as a result of his fall, he suffered a fractured hip that will require surgery as well as other injuries that will require bone reconstruction surgery. 

Hannah claims the defendants' negligence for not providing a safe work environment, failing to ensure that proper equipment was installed and used and failed to ensure any dangerous conditions did not exist. He also claims the defendants failed to warn him of the danger and have sufficient protection for him to perform his work. 

Hannah seeks monetary relief of more than $1 million, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by Kevin Forsberg of The Forsberg Law Firm PC in Montgomery. 

Harris County District Court case number 2022-21584

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