

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Patient claims physician failed to diagnose tumor


HOUSTON — A patient alleges a physician misdiagnosed a sarcoma that was causing his hip and knee pain. 

Simon Cardenas filed a complaint Oct. 24 in Harris County District Court against Armanado Gonzalez M.D., Laredo Sports Medicine Clinic PA, Laredo Physicians Group doing business as LPG Sports Medicine and Apollo Rehabilitation Center LLC alleging negligence. 

Cardenas alleges in his complaint that he sought treatment for hip and knee pain in November of 2020 from Gonzalez who then prescribed physical therapy. He claims that Gonzalez misdiagnosed his sarcoma and ordered physical therapy which further delayed treatment and diagnosis of his sarcoma. 

Cardenas alleges Gonzalez knew or should have known that the physical therapy was unhelpful and unnecessary which caused him to suffer pain, mental anguish, disfigurement and lost earnings. He also alleges that due to Gonzalez's alleged misdiagnoses, he incurred medical treatment expenses. 

Cardenas seeks monetary relief, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by James Edwards and Kenneth Nguyen of The Law Offices of Jim Edwards PLLC in Houston. 

Harris County District Court case number 2022-69474


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