
Man robbed, shot at Houston apartment complex claims lack of security


Friday, March 28, 2025

Man robbed, shot at Houston apartment complex claims lack of security


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HOUSTON — A man is alleging inadequate security measures at a Houston apartment complex led to his being robbed, shot and suffering serious injuries. 

Steven Cade filed a complaint Dec. 3 in Harris County District Court against SPG Apartments LLC, Indus Administrative Services LLC and AR-JMD Investments LLC alleging premises liability, negligence and other claims. 

Cade, according to his complaint, was visiting his brother at Chestnut Hill Apartments in Houston on Jan. 14, 2022. Cade claims as he was leaving the apartment complex, he was robbed and shot twice with one bullet shattering his right femur and another bullet shattering his right knee. Cade alleges that the defendants have previously been sued for another shooting that occurred at Chestnut Hill and were negligent for failing to warn or have adequate safety measures. 

He claims the apartment complex security gates were "wide open, with no monitoring," no security guards and that the area was dimly lit with no exterior security cameras. Cade also claims the defendants did nothing to deter criminal activity such as preventing unauthorized persons from accessing the complex and not allowing persons with certain criminal histories to qualifying as tenants. 

Cade seeks monetary relief of more than $1 million, interest, trial by jury and all other just relief. He is represented by Taft Foley II of The Foley Law Firm in Houston. 

Harris County District Court case number 2022-78629


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