

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Plaintiff sues Hyatt Corporation for Negligence Following Injury at Hotel

State Court
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Riaz Alai has filed a negligence and premises liability complaint against Hyatt Corporation. The lawsuit was filed on May 20, 2024, in the District Court of Harris County, Texas.

According to the complaint, Alai alleges that on March 2, 2023, while staying at the Hyatt Regency Houston/Galleria located at 2626 Sage Road, Houston, Texas, she suffered severe bodily injuries due to a wet floor left by a housekeeping employee named Karla. Alai claims that she had requested new bed linen and towels from housekeeping. When Karla arrived with the requested items and finished her task, she allegedly left the floor wet without informing Alai. As Alai walked towards the bathroom corridor to check if Karla had brought the new towels, she slipped on the wet floor and sustained serious injuries.

The plaintiff asserts that Hyatt Corporation failed in its duty as an occupier and owner of the premises to maintain a safe environment for its guests. The complaint states: "Defendant knew or should have known of the unreasonably dangerous condition and neither corrected nor warned Plaintiff of it." Furthermore, it argues that Hyatt Corporation's negligence in failing to inspect and maintain safe conditions on their property directly led to Alai's injuries.

Alai is seeking monetary relief ranging from $250,000 to $1,000,000 for past and future medical expenses, pain and suffering, mental anguish, physical impairment and disfigurement, as well as lost wages and loss of earning capacity. She also requests pre-judgment and post-judgment interest along with all court costs.

The case is being handled by Michael L. Grinsfelder of Daspit Law Firm representing Riaz Alai. The filing was processed by Marilyn Burgess - District Clerk Harris County under Case ID: 2024-32002 in the 234th Judicial District Court.


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