

Friday, June 21, 2024

Seaman Sues Maritime Companies Over Severe Injuries Under Jones Act

State Court
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In a gripping lawsuit filed on May 28, 2024, an American seaman is seeking justice against three maritime companies for severe injuries sustained while working aboard a vessel. Ty’quial Mahoney has brought the complaint to the District Court of Harris County, Texas, targeting Edison Chouest Offshore, L.L.C., Galliano Marine Service, L.L.C., and Nautical Solutions, L.L.C.

The plaintiff's original petition outlines the events leading up to his injury on May 3, 2024. Mahoney was employed as an AB deckhand on the platform supply ship Deer Island when he suffered significant injuries due to poor weather conditions off the coast of Texas. The lawsuit claims that Mahoney fell onto an HVAC unit while picking up equipment, resulting in severe back pain. The plaintiff asserts that these injuries were caused by the negligence of the defendants and their failure to provide a safe working environment. Specifically, Mahoney accuses the companies of failing to maintain proper equipment, neglecting safety protocols, and not halting operations despite adverse weather conditions.

The lawsuit invokes several legal grounds including the Jones Act (46 U.S.C. § 30104) and general maritime law. According to Mahoney’s attorneys, Marcus R. Spagnoletti and Eric J. Rhine from Spagnoletti Law Firm, the case falls under these jurisdictions because it involves maritime employment and negligence at sea. The plaintiff also seeks damages for unseaworthiness of the vessel and failure to provide maintenance and cure—a maritime doctrine requiring employers to care for injured seamen until they reach maximum medical improvement.

Mahoney is seeking monetary relief exceeding $5 million for various damages such as mental anguish, lost earnings, loss of earning capacity, disfigurement, physical impairment, medical expenses, physical pain and suffering in both past and future contexts. Additionally, he is asking for punitive damages due to what he describes as arbitrary and capricious denial or delay in providing maintenance and cure benefits by the defendants.

Representing Mahoney are attorneys Marcus R. Spagnoletti and Eric J. Rhine from Spagnoletti Law Firm based in Houston. The case has been assigned Case ID 2024-33492 in the 151st District Court with Judge Marilyn Burgess overseeing proceedings.


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