
Stories by William Sassani on Southeast Texas Record


Saturday, February 22, 2025

William Sassani News

Texas First District Court of Appeals affirms lower court ruling in 20-year old easement case

By William Sassani |
The case stems from homes flooded during Tropical Storm Frances in 1998.

Texas appeals panel court affirms lower court ruling in barratry, RICO suit

By William Sassani |
HOUSTON -The Texas First District Court of Appeals has upheld a ruling by a lower court, dismissing motions to dismiss by appellants Gregory Sullo, Brian Zimmerman, Felix Michael Kubosh, and Paul Kubosh in a barratry lawsuit.

Texas justices rule against Allstate in suit over benefits

By William Sassani |
The Court affirmed a lower court's ruling that the company pay benefits to a claimant who was in a car accident.

Texas appeals court makes ruling in attorney’s fees case stemming from family violence case

By William Sassani |
The Court upheld a lower court's ruling that Joanna Laufer must pay over $10,000 in attorney fees and court costs to Justin Gordon.

Mesa Southern loses appeal to recover payment from Deep Energy Explorations

By William Sassani |
The Court said that a waiver signed by both parties precluded Mesa from suing Deep Energy.