

Sunday, June 16, 2024

News from May 2007

Legally Speaking: Justice gets taken to the cleaners

By John G. Browning |
John Browning

Elderly woman claims Allstate owes her $100,000 in hurricane damages

By David Yates |
Mabel Rost is the latest Orange County resident to sue Allstate Texas Lloyd's for refusing to pay property damage claims in full following Hurricane Rita.

$2 M oil drilling contract in dispute

By The SE Texas Record |
Ray Whitman The Patterson-UTI Drilling Co. is seeking to recover nearly $2 million from Cavalry Resources for work it performed on two oil wells.

Man clearing Rita debris falls in hole, sues homeowners

By David Yates |
Shortly after Hurricane Rita, Raymond and Debby Turner hired Larry Garrison to repair some property damage caused by a falling tree. While working in the Turner's backyard, Garrison stepped into a hole and injured his knee.

Orange company says business misrepresented figures before sale

By David Yates |
Orange County Management purchased C.J. Furniture and C.J. Home and Office, Inc. back in February. Three months later, OCM has realized C.J. may not have fully disclosed its sales figures before selling the business.

Tyler officers honored with Eagle Award

By The SE Texas Record |
Press release from the U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Texas

Abbott hooks 'Horns to commit to 'fairer' student-lending rules

By Rob Luke |
Greg Abbott It looks like there'll be no more party-favored preferred lender lists at the University of Texas.

Jury awards one-quarter of damages sought by plaintiffs in automobile injury trial

By David Yates |
Michael Choate failed to yield the right away and struck Carl Skiles and Alicia Weaver, inflicting the pair with around $70,000 worth of physical pain and mental anguish.

Plastic sheet injures shopper at Penney's

By David Yates |
Beware of plastic sheets when roaming through department stores.

58th Court District, Judge Bob Wortham, June 1- 30

By Carrie Gonzalez |

Jurors award damages to injured driver

By David Yates |
In a trial that began Monday, jurors agreed that a woman injured in a collision should receive compensation for her physical injuries as well as damage to the vehicle.

Unseaworthy vessel caused injury, seaman says

By Marilyn Tennissen |
A Jefferson County seaman says an unseaworthy vessel led to his personal injury, and is suing the ship's owner.

MySpace will surrender data about sex offenders to Texas attorney general

By The SE Texas Record |
Press release from the office of Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott

Husband's death leads widow to file two separate asbestos suits

By David Yates |
Attorney Bryan Blevins of Provost Umphrey will represent Maren Roberts, the executor of the estate of Henry Joe Roberts, and sue the A.O. Smith Corp., along with 42 other major corporations, for distributing products containing asbestos throughout Jefferson County.

Horseplay leads to injured seaman

By David Yates |
While at sea, a few of Paul Bailey's co-workers were roughhousing. One tossed a string of firecrackers at him and Bailey fell, injuring his head.

Seaman hit in the face with slag, invokes Jones Act and sues

By David Yates |
Juan Gonzales, an injured seaman, invoked the Jones Act and sued Beacon Maritime and Murphy Oil USA, Inc.

Trio sue company for $1 M for auto collision

By David Yates |
Arturo Salinas, accompanied by his minor son and a co-worker, was driving a company vehicle on County Road when another motorist veered into his lane and collided with him head on.

Store employee sues for injuring herself while stocking merchandise

By David Yates |
Heather Ragan, a former sales associate with Specialty Retailers (Beall's Department Store), was told to stock some merchandise. She injured herself in the process and is now suing the Port Arthur shop for negligently making her perform work "not conductive to the safe performance of her duties."

Texas should protect, foster journalism

By The SE Texas Record |
Here at the Record, we know a little something about arbitrary subpoenas of journalists.

Recount set for PA mayor's race

By The SE Texas Record |
Deloris "Bobbie" Prince A recount for the Port Arthur mayor's race is set for Wednesday, May 23.