

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Texas man sues LG Electronics claiming refrigerator malfunctioned and lit his house on fire

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HOUSTON – A Texas resident has filed a lawsuit against LG Electronics claiming that one of the company's refrigerators malfunctioned and started a fire in his home.

Plaintiff Boung Van Tran filed the lawsuit in the Harris County District Court against LG Electronics, citing allegations of negligence, product liability, manufacturing defect, design defect failure to warn, and strict liability.

According to court documents, Tran claims that on February 7, 2023, his LG refrigerator malfunctioned and suddenly caught fire and burned down his kitchen. An investigation conducted by the Houston Fire Department determined that the refrigerator was the cause of the fire. Tran claims that the fire caused damage to his home and that he was burned in the fire. 

Tran is seeking damages for his medical expenses, pain, suffering, mental anguish, loss of household services, cost of repairs, and damages to his personal property plus interest, court costs and any other relief the court deems proper. He is represented by attorneys Andrew Dao and Kayvon Alihossini of Daly & Black, P.C. in Houston. 

Harris County District Court case number 2023-76977 / Court: 127


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