
Stories by Sam Jackson on Southeast Texas Record


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Sam Jackson News

Homeowners file suit seeking damages after botched addition to home

By Sam Jackson |
Two Galveston, TX, homeowners are suing a contractor they hired for allegedly botching the addition of a second level to their residence.

Energy company seeks damages for gas main destruction and repair

By Sam Jackson |
An energy company is suing a utility company, saying the defendant damaged its property in a case of workers being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Man sues car dealership after being denied warranty coverage on new car

By Sam Jackson |
A man has filed a lawsuit against a Houston-area car dealership after he purchased a vehicle with what he thought would be an extended warranty, then was denied coverage for repairs.

Man files suit for more than $1 million after being injured when vehicle seat detached

By Sam Jackson |
A man is suing the owner of the vehicle he was operating for negligence after his seat became detached from the floor.

Woman sues to two Houston-area hospitals for neglect during treatment

By Sam Jackson |
A woman is suing two related Houston hospitals for negligence and gross negligence after she says she experienced multiple pressure sores and a dramatic drop in weight during her inpatient stays.

Woman sues after husband was shot and killed while defending her from a customer, suit claims

By Sam Jackson |
A Humble, TX woman is suing for wrongful death after her husband was killed defending her from a customer at the drive-in where she worked.

Lawsuit filed against care facility over alleged negligent death of sibling

By Sam Jackson |
The sister of a deceased Harris County man is suing the long term care facility where he resided, alleging its negligence led to his death.

Wrongful death suit seeks damages from nursing home

By Sam Jackson |
A Baytown, TX nursing home is being sued by a family that claims it neglected their loved one, causing his wrongful death.

Man sues Houston-area hosptial for malpractice after wife's fall led to death

By Sam Jackson |
A man is suing the Houston, Texas hospital where his late wife was treated, and her night nurse, for medical malpractice, claiming they are responsible for an in-hospital fall leading to his wife’s injury and death.

Trip and fall suit seeks more than $1M from AT&T

By Sam Jackson |
A man is suing for more than $1 million after tripping over a cable at a Houston housing complex, claiming negligence resulting in his injuries.

Kentucky couple sue friends after man tumbles over deck railing and falls 20 feet

By Sam Jackson |
A Kentucky couple has filed a lawsuit seeking more than $1 million after the husband suffered severe injuries in a 20-foot fall at the house of a longtime friend in Crystal Beach, TX.

H-E-B hit with slip and fall lawsuit

By Sam Jackson |
A Galveston County, TX, woman is suing a League City grocery store after falling while shopping and sustaining injuries, according to court discovery documents.

Wrongful death suit brought against Marathon Petroleum

By Sam Jackson |
An Alvin, TX, resident and his father has filed a wrongful death lawsuit seeking more than $1 million after his son died in a workplace accident.

Restaurant consulting firm sues restaurant in breach of contract dispute

By Sam Jackson |
A restaurant consulting firm is suing a Louise, TX restaurant, alleging breach of contract and seeking more than $41,000 in damages.

Parents sue aviation company, others after child was allegedly attacked by dogs

By Sam Jackson |
The parents of a 5-year-old boy are suing after their son was allegedly attacked and injured by dogs while at an airfield near Galveston, TX, earlier this year.

Woman brings $1 million slip & fall suit against Kroger

By Sam Jackson |
A woman is suing for more than $1 million in damages after sustaining injury in a fall at the Kroger store on Seawall Boulevard in Galveston.

Real estate owner sues buyers for failure to seek financing on purchase

By Sam Jackson |
The seller of a Galveston, TX, beach house is suing its buyers, alleging the buyers did not follow through on the requirements of their sales contract.

Dance studio operator sues former business associate for fraud, breach of contract

By Sam Jackson |
A longtime Galveston dance studio operator is suing a close associate, alleging breach of contract and fraud, as well as exploitation of an elderly individual.

Homeowners sue previous owners for failure to disclose construction without permits

By Sam Jackson |
Two Galveston, TX, homeowners are suing the sellers of a home they purchased, saying they failed to disclose construction that had been done in the home without a proper permitting.

Water park sued by woman claiming falling umbrella struck her

By Sam Jackson |
A woman is suing a Texas City water park for a minimum of $250,000 in damages after an accident with an umbrella during a visit in 2021.