

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Latest News

Our View

To open or not to open? That is the question

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
It’s a question confronting public officials at all levels of government – as well as citizens and business owners, who have the God-given and constitutionally-protected right to freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, freedom to petition for redress of grievances, etc.

Our View

Salon owner Shelley Luther may not hold Judge Moyé in contempt, but we do

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Because Dallas salon owner Shelley Luther decided to keep her business open despite the stay-at-home order, the imperious Dallas County Judge Eric Moyé held her in contempt of court, sentenced her to seven days in jail, and imposed a $7,000 fine.

Our View

Is attorney Truett Akin of AkinMears really ‘A liar and a shyster’?

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Them’s fightin’ words! Nevertheless, “a liar and a shyster” is the phrase attorney Ralph Manginello used to describe fellow attorney Truett Akin IV, and he’s not the first to call Truett untruthful.

Our View

Chasing the Coronavirus storm

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
“The COVID-19 crisis is affecting every person and business around the world.... State and local governments have issued civil authority orders to implement and enforce social distancing requirements in hopes of slowing the spread of the virus. While these measures appear to be working, a collateral result is the massive shutdown of many industries around the nation and beyond.” Collateral damage? That could be the basis for a lawsuit. Maybe even a class action.

Our View

Texas AG to Kendall County: Butt out!

By Press release submission |
Prior to the passage of House Bill 2826 late last summer, Texas law required local governments to submit contingency-fee contracts to the state comptroller for approval.

Our View

Lanier and Herd should settle with Sheri Dorgan, and soon

By Press release submission |
“[D]ue solely to the fault of the Super Lawyers, Sheri’s personal injury claims are forever barred and she will never recover for the severe injuries she suffered....” That’s how Sheri Dorgan sums up the bind she was put in when attorneys Mark Lanier and Charles Herd – the so-called Super Lawyers she’d hired to represent her – failed to respond in a timely manner to a show of cause order from federal Judge Carl Barbier, who then dismissed her case with prejudice.

Our View

Never let a crisis go to waste

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
What the heck is going on? We’re panicking over the coronavirus, clearing supermarket shelves of toilet paper and hand sanitizer, hoarding them, and to hell with everyone else! Of course, if everyone else gets sick and dies because of our selfishness, we’re going to be pretty lonely.

Our View

Keep this in mind when voting in May

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Before the March 3 primary, we urged voters “to scrutinize the connections of the candidates and try to ascertain the expectations of their donors.” He who pays the piper calls the tune, and all that jazz.

Our View

Client disenchanted with Trial Lawyer of the Year

By The Record |
“It is a true privilege to perform the important work of protecting individuals and businesses from corporate abuse,” Houston trial lawyer Mark Lanier proclaimed when the National Trial Lawyers professional association named him the 2018 Trial Lawyer of the Year.

Our View

Fan seeks restitution from sign-stealing Astros

By The Record |
“Thou shalt not steal.” That’s pretty straightforward. No wiggle room there. The stone tablets Moses brought down from Mount Sinai had no asterisks and footnotes to clarify the Author’s intent.

Our View

Judge Plumlee, how do you plead?

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Family court judges don’t win popularity contests. In most of their cases, one of the parties appearing before them will be disappointed by the outcome. In many cases, both parties will be.

Our View

Hey, Californians, don’t come to Texas – unless you plan to stay!

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
California is banning travel to Texas? Seriously? Are they banning relocation, too? That could be a problem. For them, not us, because the flood of exiles will just keep growing.

Our View

‘Wolf! Wolf!’ ‘The sky is falling! The sky is falling!’

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
Everyone knows the story of the shepherd boy who cried wolf when there was no wolf. He was bored and wanted some excitement. The panicked townspeople who came running to help were not amused by his repeated pranks and learned to ignore them. When a wolf eventually did appear, the boy’s cries went unanswered.

Our View

The strange case of the man who was injured by a text message

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
You can tell a lot about a person by the way he reacts to petty grievances. If he shrugs them off or doesn’t even notice, he’s probably well-balanced and able to keep things in perspective. If, however, the least little thing sets him off, he may have serious ego – or anger-management problems – and should probably be avoided.

Our View

Pay no attention to that man behind the candidate!

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
“It’s time for a change!” All the clichés come out at election time, often masquerading as campaign slogans, but most of them are just empty words. They sound nice, but are basically meaningless.

Our View

The dark fantasies of climate change activists

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
When are the California municipalities suing ExxonMobil over the alleged effects of climate change going to trot out Greta Thunberg as a star witness?

Our View

Cheaters cheat, that’s what they do

By Press release submission |
If your current spouse was previously married and breached that contract to have an affair with you, you can’t claim ignorance or victim status if you’re the next one cheated on. Cheaters cheat. That’s what they do. You of all people should know that, having demonstrated that you approved of cheating and were willing to facilitate it when you were the beneficiary.

Our View

Don’t laugh when you hear the word ‘Labradoodle’!

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
People who have funny-sounding last names know how traumatic it is to go through life introducing themselves to titters, snickers, snorts, and guffaws.

Our View

Phipps Deacon & Whoever? ‘Programs! Programs! You can’t tell the players without a program!’

By Lene Caracas-Apuntar |
That’s what program sellers shout, or used to shout, outside stadiums.

Our View

Another defeat for climate change con artists

By David Yates |
Well, that was a gigantic waste of time and money, and New York Attorney General Letitia James should be held accountable for it.