

Monday, September 30, 2024

Carrie Bradon News

Brother of shooting victim alleges woman died due to Fairfield Inn negligence

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — The brother of a shooting victim is suing a Fairfield Inn hotel, alleging the wrongful death was due to negligence of the hotel.

Hair salon employee alleges harassment, assault

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — An employee is suing a hair salon, alleging she was harassed and eventually assaulted.

Visitor alleges Best Western negligence caused fall

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A Galveston County woman is suing Best Western, alleging she was injured when she slipped and fell on water in the lobby.

Harris County alleges McDonald's negligence led to employee's injury

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — Harris County is suing McDonald's alleging a dangerous condition caused a stainless steel toilet paper holder to injure the ankle of a county employee.

Motorist alleges another driver caused Galveston County crash

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A motorist is suing another driver and his employer, alleging their negligence led to her suffering injuries in a car crash.

Rider alleges go-cart racing company's negligence led her hair being ripped from her head

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — A Harris County woman is suing a go-cart racing company, alleging her hair was ripped from her head after being wrapped around the wheel of a cart.

Employee alleges she was unfairly terminated due to injury

By Carrie Bradon |
MARSHALL — A warehouse supervisor is suing her employer, alleging she was unfairly terminated due to an ankle injury.

Galveston couple alleges developer abandoned project after receiving $24,000

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A Galveston couple is suing a developer, alleging work on their home was abandoned after the defendant received payment.

Bar and grill customer alleges owner did nothing to stop attack by other patrons

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — A Houston man is suing a Spring bar and grill, alleging that he was attacked by another group of patrons and that the management of the establishment did not intervene.

Visitor alleges she was injured when apartment ceiling collapsed on her

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — A Harris County woman is suing a Houston property management company, alleging she was injured when a ceiling collapsed on her.

Customer alleges boat company, sales group sold damaged vessel

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A customer is suing a Keman boat company and sales group, alleging he was sold a damaged boat and it was not repaired.

Customer alleges Randall's negligence led to fall, injuries

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — A Galveston County woman is suing Randall's and others, alleging she was injured due to a broken tile on the restroom floor of the defendant's store.

Patient alleges medical team's negligence caused loss of limb

By Carrie Bradon |
MARSHALL — An Arkansas man is suing a Longview medical team, alleging he lost a a limb due to their negligence.

Bayshore Medical Center, doctors named in suit over man's death from alleged medical procedure complications

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON – A Harris County woman alleges the negligence of two physicians and medical facilities led to the death of a patient shortly after a procedure.

Man seeks at least $200,000 from LTT Houston Royal North over alleged injuries caused by fall from broken bench

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON – A Harris County man is seeking damages from the owner of a Houston apartment complex over allegations he sustained injuries to his back, right knee and hip when a bench broke.

Customer alleges restaurant's negligence led to fall, injuries

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A Galveston woman is suing a local restaurant, alleging she was injured after falling on the defendant's property.

Guest blames Galveston resort after she was injured by falling umbrella

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A guest is suing a Galveston resort, alleging she was injured by a falling umbrella.

Hotel company alleges construction business failed to deliver services

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A Galveston hotel company is suing a construction business, alleging the plaintiff was not provided the services it was promised.

Plastic manufacturer alleges lightsaber company owes $40,000

By Carrie Bradon |
GALVESTON — A Canadian plastic manufacturer is suing a Galveston County client alleging the plaintiff was never paid for services delivered.

Driver alleges truck company failed to show concern for unsafe vehicle

By Carrie Bradon |
HOUSTON — A driver is suing a truck company, alleging the truck he was driving was unsafe and his concerns were not taken seriously.